Herbal Phone Consults available during office closure March 16 - March 31 2020

Hi Everyone,

Since I will not be able to see you in person for acupuncture. I would still like to be as supportive as possible. I will be offering Herbal Phone Consultations. It will be the same rate and length of time as the existing Herbal Follow Up consult. (30 minutes - $50). If you’re not already familiar with herbal medicine, it can be helpful in treating the same common conditions as acupuncture such as headaches, migraines, digestive issues, anxiety, depression, insomnia, allergies, and beginning stages of common head cold.

I use an online pharmacy that will ship the herbs to you directly. It will likely come as powder that you’ll dissolve in hot water and drink as a tea.

If you’re interested send me an email christina@backbayacupuncture.com and we can schedule a time to talk.

Take care and I wish you and your loved ones the best in health. - Christina